Hey, If you're gonna be in the LA area next weekend, we're having an Anthology 451 book release at Nucleus Gallery on Dec. 4th from 2-5. Come by and say Hi. Some artists from the book will be there including John Hoffman, Kris Pearn, Rodolph Guenoden, Myself and Viktor Kalvachev. Should be fun.
update: After thinking about it, and considering Bernard's comment I wanted to try a version that addressed some of the things that were bugging me a bit. Unify the image a bit more. Voila!
Great piece! I really like the composition and lighting.
thanks Xavier!
Hey man! Sounds awesome, wish I could get there! How was CTN?
Been busy starting work, and getting comfortable in Vancouver...oh ya...nice painting ahaha it's sweet man. I'm inspired!
Wow awesome stuff! I wish I knew about the anthology, would've liked to drop in for that
Hey Trent- CTN-x was great. hopefully you'll be able to make it down next year. Cool to hear you're enjoying the 'couv.
Thanks Toby and Alina!
Really fun looking castle.
Thanks Marcelo!
This is a sweet castle!
Awesome times at the signing too.
Don't forget, we want to see boards from the previous post!
Love the ''cut style'' !
[Thx for your comment]
Ah..I could have got my copy signed! It would have been worth a lot more money.
I'm liking the painting craig it has a nice dark graphic quality to it.
Why did you decide to put the dark rock pillar in the middle?
It's kinda neat, if you had another section you can use that same pillar to split it into 3 paintings like a triptych.
can't wait to see more paintings!
thanks guys!
Hey Bernard, you just have to come back to LA to get your book signed!
Thinking about the black pillar in the centre of the piece...I was a little torn when I did it..on the one hand it's not the best idea to throw a big ol chunk dead center that splits the image but I liked that it created a skull shape with the other negative spaces on the left side of the frame. Probably should have offset it a bit.
Oh my. These are stunning Ber. Seems you have been making the most of your time. ;)
Bsan!! Thanks brother. I hear you and stace are chillin at big jump for a bit. Wish I could join you guys for a brewski at lunch.. Which just made me think of the lunch of triple tears laugh a thon. Good times
Pois e realmente um programa maravilhoso ver o desfile de 20 de setembro em Piratini. Em 2007 eu fui pela primeira vez assisti-lo e fiquei emocionada, e um desfile muito lindo feito com alma por cada um daqueles gauchos que la vivem. Vale a pena..
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